Ogni scatto un racconto
elevates your
senses perspectives emotions perceptions .
Explore, Experience, and Be Inspired.




Un viaggio artistico e imprenditoriale attraverso la fotografia, la comunicazione e la creatività.

Immerso nel mondo dell’arte da oltre 10 anni


Established in 2016, Núria Pelayo has been a haven for art enthusiasts, committed to promoting and celebrating exceptional talent across all mediums.


Our mission is to create a dynamic space that fosters creativity, encourages dialogue, and brings the transformative power of art to the

Sguardi che raccontano, emozioni che trasformano.


Per informazioni:
Seventh Ave 7, New York City, NY
Alessandro Perra
©2024 Alessandro Perra
Exhibition: 01.12.22 - 01.01.23

1400°C. Metamorphosis in Clay, Sculpting Emotions

Julia Clark

We work closely with artists, guiding them through the selection and promotion process.

Also strategize, organize exhibitions and sales, and plan for the future. Our publishing house creates supplementary materials to amplify the societal importance of our artists’ work. Represent artists who have made significant contributions to culture and strive to showcase their art in esteemed institutions.